Friday, December 9, 2016

Electric Mary
The Hard Rock / Stoner / Blues Soul

Electric Mary is the definite Hard Rock / Stoner / Blues band in the 2010s Rock Scene!

They are so professional that words can be hardly found to describe their musical work.
With their 2008 debut album 'Down To The Bone' they made a clear understanding on how the genre of their kind of music should be played: uniquely and flawlessly. The whole band and the sound of the album is both amazing. Creativity kicks in, warm distorted guitar sound comes alive, huge vocal parts with the best taste of the category roams from the speaker as I'm listening 'Down To The Bone'.

The band released their next record in 2011. 'Electric Mary - III' starts spinning and it is crystal clear that miracle is happening here. The whole record is awesome, built-up from ground to skyscraper rock with a magical touch of heaviness and warmness. It is well-worth to listen to the album from start to the end especially, because the towards the end the record has some real surprise musically!

Listen to Electric Mary's music here then go buy their releases! ;)

Electric Mary - Live at a club in Sydney 


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